The steaks were high for this one! I absolutely blooming loved it!
Earlier in the year I’d participated in a virtual cookery course which I had thoroughly enjoyed. With the world opening up and resembling something a little bit like it did pre-2020, I decided to try an in-person cookery class.
A Grand Experience
The Grand hotel in York is the only 5 star hotel in Yorkshire.
It’s also home to The Cookery School where the kitchen facilities match the exceptional quality of the accommodation. I’d been browsing through their list of classes for a while wondering which to try. Apologies to any vegetarians or vegans reading for this one!
Mi-Steaks At Home
I never cook steak at home.
We rarely have it and when we do it’s as a treat and the other half is always in charge of cooking it. To be honest, it always seems to be an anti-climax. It can be the most perfect looking cut of meat, but can easily become such a disappointment when it doesn’t turn out how we anticipated It’s especially disheartening when it’s not the cheapest ingredient.
So to diminish the dismay, we only occasionally buy it.
Making A Meal Of It - In Person Cookery School
My mouth watered and my tummy rumbled when I spotted the half day steak au poivre class on the list of courses at The Cookery School. Maybe this would raise the steaks (sorry) and change the game!
For The Love Of Food
Sixteen sparkling modern kitchen workstations kitted out with high-end equipment waited for us to unleash our culinary potential, but first, we all met in the adjacent dining room where we could help ourselves to drinks and biscuits and chat to our fellow budding chefs. It helped to set the scene that whilst the evening would be quite informal, we were in the hands of professionals and would be well looked after.

On Course For A Great Experience
The course was all about the cooking techniques. Everything was pre-prepped and weighed out so that our attention could be on the actual creation of the dish, and how to cook the perfect steak. If only that happened at home!
Professional In Action
We started at the demonstration kitchen where chef Andrew showed us how to do the first part of the dish – the steak and the sauce. He made sure we could all get a good look at key moments in the process to see how things should look so we’d have some point of reference when it came to our turn. He peppered his instructions with helpful hints and nuggets of wisdom that rarely come from following a written recipe. Thankfully we were given a paper copy of the recipe which we all furiously scribbled on as we took notes while we watched.

Andrew guided us through the method to cook a steak to perfection – whatever our preference of pinkness – so that everyone could cook it exactly how they wanted it. He also showed us how to prepare a shallot in a way that wouldn’t bring tears to your eyes.
Cooking On Gas (although it was actually induction)
Back at our high spec kitchens, our locally sourced fillet and the ingredients for the first step had all been prepared for us. It was a hubbub of anticipation and activity as wine was brought round for those who wanted it, music was piped through the speakers, we turned up the heat and got sizzling. So sizzling in fact that the air was thick with smoke as we all sealed our steak. Once sealed, we put the fillet into the oven. It felt very flash as the oven was just like the ones on bake off!

Andrew and his assistant were always on hand wandering between our individual kitchen spaces to offer encouragement, advice, reassurance, and giving us a nudge if they thought we needed to make any adjustments.
Recipe for Success At An In Person Cookery School
Once the steak and the sauce were ready, Andrew demonstrated the next part of the dish which was to make the accompaniments; bubble and squeak and cavolo nero. Masterfully combining the ingredients whilst he explained how to make the perfect mashed potato; how to do amazing things with white onions; and how to get the best from a spring onion. He happily answered any questions we asked, giving his expert professional chef insight and experience.

Returning to our kitchens, the used utensils had all been whisked away, and the next prepared ingredients were laid out for us ready to crack on with the cooking. I could easily get used to that! Glasses were topped up, and help was on hand as we re-created the techniques we’d just witnessed to create our side dishes.
Showstopper Plating Perfection
Finally we gathered around to see Andrew bring together all the parts of the meal ready to serve. We were on the edge of our stools silent in anticipation as he cut his fillet in half. It was perfect. The question was, would ours turn out how we preferred them? Back at our kitchen it was a frenzy as we made sure everything was to temperature and then plated it up.
Everything looked good on the plate, but the proof would be in the eating!

Apprehensively, I sliced into my steak to serve it in two halves. With relief and delight, it looked absolutely spot on and just how I like it. I was eager to find out if it tasted as good as it looked.

Melt in the Mouth Taste Sensation
Everyone gathered in the dining room to enjoy their work. The first thing I tasted was the bubble and squeak, and oh my word, it tasted divine. The right amount of saltiness with the perfect blended balance of bitter from the cabbage.
The steak knife melted through the meat which tasted PHENOMENAL!
It was succulent and tender. The sharpness of its peppery coating complimented by the rich sweetness of the peppercorn sauce, and the light and buttery cavolo nero just topped it all off perfectly.

It was restaurant quality and I couldn’t quite fathom that I had actually made this myself. I’ve had to wipe my laptop as I type – my mouth is watering just remembering it!
Finishing off
Dessert was brought around after our main plates had been whisked away.
Sweet juicy baked peaches served with an incredibly flavoursome amaretti and chocolate bake, nuts, and a smooth creamy dollop of creme fraiche.
This had been made for us as there wasn’t enough time in the session, but we did get the recipe to take away and try at home.

The Cookery School would happily make up a doggy bag if we wanted to take any of the dish home or if we couldn’t eat it all. There was not a chance that was happening for me! Whilst the other half was disappointed I returned empty handed, he is looking forward to a recreation at home.
Round Up Of An In Person Cookery School
I loved this experience. It was well paced, hands on, relaxed, informative and everyone successfully made a magnificent meal.
Usually when I follow a recipe, I really appreciate the picture because it gives me an idea of how it should look, so seeing the many moments of the different steps helped to build confidence when it came to making it ourselves.
Although many recipes in books and online have additional hints and tips, usually I’m so busy following the method that I don’t always notice them until afterwards, and of course you can’t ask a static written recipe questions in real time. I relished the opportunity to get insider knowledge from an expert.
It can take a while to weigh out and prepare ingredients for a dish, so it was fantastic to have everything already done for us, and even better that there was no washing up.
I usually enjoy the meals I cook at home, sometimes they may not quite turn out as expected, but I think my culinary skills are generally ok. This absolutely blew me away and has given me some fantastically easy things to implement in to other dishes that will hopefully take my cooking up a level! Watch this space!
Want To Try It Yourself?
My experience was at The Cookery School at The Grand in York.
There are lots of other in-person cookery schools available. A quick look online, and you can find many magazines and websites which have rated their 10 best cookery schools across the UK which that might give you some inspiration.
Search online to see if there are any courses in your area that you might like to try.
Cost Of In Person Cookery School Experience
- The price will vary wherever you go for your course.
- This particular course fell into the half day category as it lasted for three hours, and cost £85.
The Cookery School at The Grand have other classes;
- A three day course for £495 which aims to take you from beginner to advanced.
- Full day classes which cover 6 hours and cost £159
- Express classes which are 2 hours for £65
The price includes all of the ingredients and drinks, and at the end there is a fresh copy of the recipe so you don’t only have your food splattered note covered version from the class, and you take home your Cookery School apron.