Attempted Drawing A Caricature From A Photo
30th December 2022- New Experience Number 39
With the deadline to complete 52 new things in 2022 just around the corner, I decided to have a go at drawing a caricature from a photo.
You often see caricature artists in tourist destinations giving visitors a memento to take home, or at events capturing the guests. Perhaps I would uncover a hidden talent!
Not So Quick On The Draw
I’m not a natural artist. I get really frustrated when the nice image in my head gets all tangled and knotted by the time it has made its way to my hand and generally comes out on the paper looking like something drawn by a cat.
However, I love a blank piece of paper. I love how the possibilities for it are endless. Yet more often than not, what comes from me is a disappointment compared to the vision in my mind’s eye. But, I’ll always have a try!
What Is A Caricature?
A caricature is a pictorial representation of a person, which exaggerates some features and simplifies others, and often looks quite cartoonish. Apparently, Leonardo da Vinci drew a few in his time, and they are some of the earliest known examples.
There’s often someone in York drawing caricatures for people. I’d never tried to draw one before so thought I’d give it a go. I can safely say that the artist in York has nothing to worry about in terms of competition from me!
Learning The Basics To Drawing A Caricature From A Photo
I wasn’t really sure how to start so watched a few YouTube videos for inspiration. They simplified different techniques, gave some great tips, and particularly helpful advice about eyes. They also made it look really, really easy.
Choosing A Subject
I had kept all of my old copies of my beloved fortnightly magazine Smash Hits. This had been essential reading for me growing up, and I have realised recently that it has had a lasting influence on my life. More about that another time! I’d finally given my parents some space back when I brought the pile of magazines home with me after a visit.
One of the top copies had York local legend and Shed Seven frontman, Rick Witter, in it. I decided to make him my subject. Rick, if you happen to see this – I’m sorry!

Making A Start On The Art - Drawing A Caricature From A Photo
I started by trying to draw the outline in pencil. Beginning with the face shape, and then the hair, which was textured and thick and a good framing feature.
The eyes were trickier so I revisited the YouTube videos multiple times. I then added the colour, and finally some shading. This was the point I was careful with, gradually adding the shadows so as not to completely ruin my work so far!
Creation Frustration
I made several attempts. Things often purposefully look out of proportion in a caricature, but mine just didn’t look quite right. I either got the eyes a bit wonky, or too low on the face, or I made the head too big.
Despite the frustration I felt as the inked paper disobeyed the image in my mind, I was completely in the flow of what I was doing. The noisiness of my thinking brain was hushed by the concentration of the drawing.

Final Attempt - Drawing A Caricature From A Photo
The last caricature I drew is probably best described as my least worst!
I had just about managed to capture a person in caricature. Whether it’s recognisable as Rick Witter is definitely out for debate!
I’d have another go at drawing a caricature, but it’s not something I have a natural talent for!

Want To Try It Yourself?
- You might be more artistically gifted than me, in which case you might simply be able to put pen straight to paper and create an identifiable caricature of someone.
- There are thousands of tutorials on-line that can give you some great starting points and directions to try and draw a caricature.
- I watched some of the RowserWorld videos on YouTube, including How to draw a caricature for beginners, and how to draw caricature eyes for beginners.
- If you’re looking for other art and craft experiences to try, take a look at some of the other new things I’ve done in this topic.
Cost Of Experience
All you need is some paper, a picture of someone you want to draw in caricature, a pencil and some coloured pens. If you don’t have any of these items, you can pick them all up for just a few pounds.
- Have multiple pieces of paper! You may want to use one as scrap to test out some techniques as you go. You may also want to have several attempts!
- Pick your person. It might be easier to start with a picture of someone who has quite distinguished features which will be easier to accentuate and create in caricature.
- Keep trying. If it doesn’t quite work out how you want on your first attempt, keep trying, as you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t work so well each time.
- Don’t forget to take a photo of your artistic work!