A white hand holding a Gold Olympic medal from 1992. Embossed with an image of the Greek Goddess Nike, 1992, and Barcelona.

Met An Olympian (and held a gold medal!)

21st May 2022 - New Experience Number 12.

I’ve realised I’ve probably left it too late to become an Olympian and actually win a gold medal myself – unless I move to America and train to take part in the senior olympics which they hold there every two years. Never say never!

Like so many others I love to absorb myself in the Olympic Games, watching people who have dedicated their lives to a sport pushing themselves to be the best in the world. I have yet to attend an Olympics in person as a spectator, (that’s hopefully something I’ll do one day), but I struck gold when I got the opportunity to meet an actual Olympian and hold their winning medal!

Up And Running

Since I started run-streaking in 2018, I’ve been going to the York branch of Up and Running. It’s the UK’s largest independent running store and I really like the service, especially when it comes to trainers.

They have you running on the treadmill in store to analyse your gait. They then use that information to give tailored advice about which footwear would best suit your running style, and although I’ve had injuries from running, none of them have been due to what’s been on my feet.

They have kitted me out with footwear that I’ve worn when I’ve been running in the Arctic Circle, run at the most northerly point in Europe, took part in Parkrun in another country, ran in Asia, and beyond!

Olympian Sized Celebrations

Up and Running were celebrating two big things; their 30th year of being in business, and the opening of a new shop in York. To mark both the occasions they had organised an evening in the new premises with a talk from Sally Gunnel. She was coincidentally celebrating 30 years since she won Olympic gold.

Sally Gunnel, legendary Olympian cutting the ribbon at the opening of a new store called Up and Running.
Celebrating thirty years of Up and Running

There aren’t that many famous Sally’s.

Growing up I was only really aware of the rosy cheeked Aunt Sally from Worsel Gummage, and the iconic athlete Sally Gunnel. As a runner, (albeit not a particularly speedy one), and sharing a name, I felt I was on to a winner and booked myself a spot at the event.

Talking Shop

The new shop was vibrant, fresh and had lots more space than their previous venue. There were smoothies to sample, cupcakes to nibble and some running t-shirts to take home. Sitting in a spare seat I had a good chat with the person next to me about their running endeavours. It turned out we have more than likely run together around the Knavesmire at York Parkrun.

Overcoming hurdles - Met An Olympian

Sally and her husband were introduced, and talked us through her running history, from the coaching and training, to the relationships with other athletes, the injuries, the set backs, the nerves, and the elation.

In 1992 in the Barcelona Olympics, Sally won the gold medal in the 400 metres hurdles. Not only is that an impressive accolade in itself, she also won every international event that she could take part in. In fact she is still the only woman ever to hold four major track titles at the same time. Olympic, World, European and Commonwealth. Very impressive stuff!

Although my running is in a completely different (lower) league to hers, Sally shared stories which resonated with every single one of us in the room, whether we ran solo and for fun, or took part in timed events with others. Her tales also crossed over into other areas of life, with words of hindsight and wisdom that could be applied to so many different situations that we find ourselves in. She took questions from the group and gave amazing encouragement to a young boy who had recently found a love for running.

Going for Gold

Of course, the gold medal was passed around. We took extra care with it as Sally told us that the main part had fallen off and been glued back on several times already. Not quite the robust awards I thought they were!  Although the medals alter for each Olympic Games, they still have to follow some rules laid out by the International Olympic Committee.

The medals need to be at least 60mm in diameter, and a minimum of 3 mm thick.

The design on Sally’s medal included;

  • The year – 1992,
  • The hosting nation – Barcelona,
  • An image of Nike, the Greek Goddess of victory.

Weighing in at 231 grams, it weighed so much more than the sum of its materials.

Close up of an Olympic Gold Medal from 1992 from Olympian Sally Gunnel
Being careful not to drop the gold medal!

It represented the years of absolute dedication. The perseverance in the training. The attention to tiny details to make subtle improvements that affect overall performance. The amazing power of unity as our nations come together for the prestigious event. The determination to be the best in the world. Imagine what we could achieve if we applied that to ourselves in any thing that we do, not just to Olympians!

Lessons For Life From An Olympian

Having experienced a lot through her sporting years, Sally has written a book about the life lessons she accumulated in her career, applying lots of her learnings from the track to daily life.

I picked up my signed copy of Ten Hurdles In Life and How to Overcome Them at the event. It’s a great read with lots of thought provoking useful insight.

It was a really inspiring evening. Time ran away with us as Sally was very down to earth, answered any questions asked of her, happily had pictures taken with us all, and spoke a lot of common sense.

It was brilliant to hear about her experiences and hold an actual gold medal. The bonus was meeting so many other local runners there too.

Challenge Fifty-Two, a white woman with dark hair wearing a white top with an orange cardigan and blue trousers. Standing next to Olympian Sally Gunnel who is wearing blue leggings, and a grey long sleeved hoody. She is holding two medals.
When Sally met Sally!

Want To Try It Yourself?

  • I often check the website eventbrite to see if there are any activities happening near me, and that’s where I found out about this. Take a look on the site to see if any olympians are speaking anywhere near you.
  • Some Olympians go on tour to talk about their experiences, so it’s often worth taking a look at your local theatre listings.
  • If there aren’t any events with Olympians in person, of course you can find out a lot about them from the internet, many athletes have their own webpages too.
  • Lots of Olympians have written autobiographies. Their stories are often filled with life lessons that we can all learn from, and can often apply to ourselves if we want to develop things such as motivation or leadership skills. Keep an eye out for any who may be doing book signings to actually meet them in person.
  • You can book Sally as a keynote speaker. If you are involved in organising any conferences or events it is worth taking a look at Sally’s website

Cost Of Experience

  • This was a free event to celebrate the opening of the new Up and Running shop.
  • If you’re meeting an Olympian in person there may be costs associated depending on what the event is and where it is.


  • If there is a particular Olympic medalist you’re interested in meeting in person, why not take a look at their website to see if they do any public appearances, and maybe they will be appearing near you.
  • Once you’ve found an opportunity to hear from an Olympic athlete, participating is generally easy, just listen and absorb the incredible things that they share.
  • Be careful with the medal if they do let you handle it!
  • Let me know if you’ve ever met an Olympian!
  • Don’t forget your camera!

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