Palm reading and tarot card reading. A dark art, mumbo jumbo or a peek into the future? Having never tried it before I thought this could be an insightful and interesting new experience.
What Lies In The Lines?
They say fortune favours the bold. I was not feeling bold when I booked in to have my fortune told -although I don’t think it’s referred to as fortune telling so much anymore, that’s perhaps a term more associated with scarf wearing, jewellery adorned ladies at fairground attractions. Regardless, I definitely had doubts about this!
I had booked in for a palm reading and to have my tarot cards read. I was very nervous – what if the death card came out first?! Even though I’m not really a believer in these things, what if the whole reading was negative and then I couldn’t stop playing that over in my mind and somehow I influenced those bad things to actually happen? It was with apprehension that I booked in for the half hour session.
The Reading Room - Palm Reading And Tarot Cards
The small shop was crammed with with crystals, pendulums, incense, reading cards and all manner of spiritual items. I was definitely in the right place. At the back, was a small room where I’d be meeting my medium.
The square table in the reading room was adorned with a soft pink and gold dotted cloth. I was ready for my half hour with a stranger, who would potentially tell me things about myself and my future.
The stranger was a really lovely lady called Jewel. With a warm and friendly Yorkshire accent, I instantly felt comfortable in her company. She wasn’t dripping with lots of jewellery, or wearing a laced veil, as I had imagined. I could easily have passed her in the street and never guessed she had clairvoyant capabilities.
There was the option of a crystal ball reading along with the tarot cards. The crystal ball could potentially connect with people who have passed, but Jewel mentioned there is no guarantee anyone will turn up. I opted for the palm reading which would tell me more about myself, along with the tarot cards.
Psychic Sceptic
I was very sceptical, but I went along with it. I tried really hard to pay attention to the things that I said, and any movements I made, so that it didn’t give anything away or hint towards anything that could be used to make assumptions.
Maybe I latched onto the things I wanted to hear, but then does that matter? I came out feeling motivated, energised, and raring to get cracking with some plans I’d been rolling around in my mind for far too long. She said I was an overthinker – she definitely nailed that one!
Reading Between The Lines
Both of my palms were faced up so that she could read them. We have creases on our hands from birth and apparently they grow and change with us over our lifetime, probably from all the work that they do. Typically one hand is your birth hand, and your future is the other.
Everyone’s palms are different, and whilst the lines and creases will always be unique to us as individuals, there are a couple of general shapes that hands take.

I am very aware that there is a lot more information about us in the public domain than ever before, especially so if we use social media, so of course there was part of me that thought she might just happen to mention things that she could easily find out about me.
She picked up on a few things which I know anyone can easily find out about me, but there were other aspects of my life which I haven’t shared with anyone that she alluded to. It was all a little intriguing.
Telling Of The Tarot
For the tarot reading, I selected 12 cards at random from the old, clearly well-loved pack and passed them to Jewel. She laid these out in the order I had picked them, and from these she would read into what lay ahead for me in the next three years.
The Death Card - Palm Reading And Tarot Cards
Yes, the death card did come up. Jewel reassured me that she cannot foresee death and the card actually means change and new beginnings. She talked me through the different meanings of the cards and how they interlinked in the particular order that I had selected. She also related it all back to the palm reading with lots of overlap in the things she was seeing.
Interestingly it was not just about my life, but very much interlinked with my Other Half. It was pleasing to hear that we’re going to have a good three years ahead of us at least!

Any Truth In The Soothsayer?
Maybe I was swept away in the moment, maybe she made subtle suggestions and took cues from my subconscious responses. There was only one thing that she uncovered from reading my palms which didn’t resonate in any way at all, but the rest of it I could latch on to.
I do wonder if I had been a fly on a wall whether I would have thought her suggestions had been vague, and tutted at myself for going along with it? But does that matter? In the moment I heard things that resonated, things that I was surprised at how motivating I found them. It left me feeling energised and raring to put some plans into action which I’ve been incubating in my mind for much too long and could have hatched out a while ago. I left feeling incredibly excited about moving some ideas along.
Want To Try It Yourself?
- There are lots of people across the UK who you can book with for a reading.
- I saw Jewel Marie who hosts sessions at The Zentist in York.
- The Zentist is York’s premier crystal shop, and although small, it is bursting with crystals, stones, minerals, tarot and oracle cards, dream catchers, angels, singing bowls and so much more. It’s worth a visit in itself!
Cost Of Experience
- This will vary depending on who you see. I paid £30 for a half hour reading in 2022. This included both the palmistry and tarot cards.
- Go with an open mind, but also exercise some scepticism.
- It’s about the balance of interpreting what they tell you, and what you decide to do with it.
- It can be really easy for us to offer advice and words of wisdom to others, but when it comes to telling ourselves the same sorts of things, offering encouragement, enthusiasm and motivation, it seems that somehow we don’t listen or value our inner voice quite so much. This could be a good way to help give yourself a pep talk.
- I know I have only ever had one reading in my life, so you may want to take this next bit with a pinch of salt, but I think if you’re feeling a bit stagnant, want a bit of encouragement about something you’ve been mulling over, perhaps a gentle nudge towards a goal or idea, then maybe having your palms read or a tarot reading could give you that motivation you need?
- Have you ever had your palm read or a tarot card reading? How did you get on?
- If you’re intrigued by the less explainable things in life, have you considered trying a Paranormal Investigation?