Experiencing A Paranormal Investigation.
5th February 2022 - New Experience Number 3.
I’m not entirely sure what possessed me to sign up for experiencing a Paranormal Investigation, other than to feel the fear and have a go at something new.
Did things go bump in the night? Did we make contact with the other side? What did we see in the dark? Well, here’s what it was like as I claimed a paranormal investigation at one of York’s old buildings as one of my 52 new things in 2022.
Ex-Spook-Tations About Experiencing A Paranormal Investigation
I have a pretty vivid imagination which can often scare the heck out of me if I let it run wild. However, I have seen TVs Most Haunted and been very sceptical about the apparent goings on when watching it.
When I signed up for the paranormal investigation, it wasn’t that I was particularly scared about spending time in one of York’s medieval buildings over the witching hour, but more the fact that I would be walking home in the early hours of a Sunday morning (potentially witnessing some paralytic activity), and going home to an empty house.
The Other Half was away so there would be no reassuring familiar presence to return to, just an empty house – unless I took any spirits home with me! I half expected to feel so disturbed when I got home that I would end up sitting in the front room with the big light on waiting for the safety of daylight to arrive. And what if I got possessed? How would I know?!
The streetlight that went out just as I walked under it on my way to Jacobs Well for the event added to the feeling of daunting the haunting.
I needn’t have worried. The paranormal investigation was a fascinating rather than frightening experience.

Vexed Venue For Experiencing A Paranormal Investigation
With hundreds of years of use, Jacob’s Well had no doubt had numerous insidious inhabitants and ghastly guests. Would it be home to any restless spirits on the night, and would we make contact with them?
A striking black and white timber and brick structure, with an impressively ornate wooden canopy framing the entrance, Jacobs Well is one of York’s grade 1 listed buildings.
Built in the 15th century, it was originally lodging for a priest from the nearby Holy Trinity Church. It’s been through many alterations since then and had several uses.
Currently it is the parish rooms for the Priory Church of the Holy Trinity and regularly hired out by groups. It can also be booked for a variety of events including paranormal investigations or weddings. I wonder if the two have ever been happened at the same time?

Ghoulish Guests
There were 8 human paying guests on the night, 4 human hosts from Paranormal Research York, and apparently numerous visitors from the other side.
Paranormal Research York has eleven members. Four of them hosted our paranormal investigation. I read their biographies on the website before hand. They all believe, and some members have had their own spiritual experiences. However they all aim to seek out practical explanations for unusual activities. They debunk the bumps in the night, and never fake anything during the investigations.
Kevin was the medium who guided us through the investigation. He began the evening with a prayer. I hadn’t expected that. It wasn’t religious though. It was simply letting the spirits know we meant them no harm, we would respect them throughout the night, and requested they do the same in return.

Eerie Experience
I wasn’t sure what to expect from a paranormal investigation. We would be using some ghost hunting equipment, but I wondered if there would also be moments just sitting in the dark. Listening. Waiting. For creaks, scratches, moans or something brushing past us…
Throughout the night we used a variety of paraphernalia from traditional investigative tools through to more modern methods.
Kevin lead the event, Mackenzie supported him with connecting to the spirits, Claire looked after a lot of the equipment, taking photographs and using the spirit box to listen for any voice activity and Avril monitored the feed from the numerous cameras set up around the building, logging any unusual occurrences she saw on the screens, in a very hefty notebook.
'Ghouls' Of The Trade – The Human Pendulum
Of the traditional methods we explored, one was the human pendulum. This involves people inviting the spirits to use their body to communicate . Three people in the group volunteered to have a go.
Other guests stood in front and behind the human pendulums to stop from falling if there were any more vigorous spirits replying.
They stood with their eyes closed in the centre of the room. We invited the spirits to communicate by gently nudging the person forwards and backwards in response to our yes or no questions.
Gently leaning forward, our first contact was apparently with a lady. The human pendulum leaning slightly forward as we asked if she had died in the building. It unfolded she had been pushed down the stairs. We never found out who had done it though.
Another human pendulum swayed backwards and forwards as we heard from a gentleman. He met his grizzly end through poisoning. Those who had been the pendulum all said how unusual the sensation was. The lady who had channeled the poisoned gentleman experienced a very dry mouth. Could it be because of the way he died?

Connecting With Crystal Pendulums
Crystal pendulums gave us an opportunity to try and connect with a spirit on an individual basis. We each held a chain with a crystal attached over our hand, asking it to swing in one direction for yes and the other direction for no.
Once established, we could ask if there was a spirit with us, and continue with the questions to gather more about them. I could see no difference in the movement of my pendulum, yet others apparently experienced more definite movement and contact.
Sounds Of The Spirit Box- Experiencing A Paranormal Investigation
We passed a spirit box around the group. It’s an adapted radio that quickly scans across the frequencies. By asking questions, there is the possibility of hearing voices answering through the static.
The noise of the scanning was pulsating and strangely hypnotic. Whilst some sounds seemed to me to be the briefest moment of picking up an actual radio station, there appeared to be more unusual responses when particular members of the group held the box.
A lady in the group had a powerful reaction to a voice she heard. She felt it was her daughter connecting with her, who had sadly passed away.
Listening For Bumps In The Night With A Parabolic Ear
Apparently not all noises from the other side are loud bangs or shrieks. To help pick up whispered words from across the realm we used a parabolic ear. Looking a bit like the cone of shame often seen on pets after an operation, it’s a battery powered piece of kit.
Holding up the conical microphone into what appears to be an empty room, the headphones allowing us to pick up the smallest sounds, either from the group, or those wishing to communicate with us.

I heard nothing out of the ordinary when I had a go. No-one in the group reported hearing anything unexpected either. Sceptic or not, I guess that’s the nature of ghost hunting – there’s no guarantee the spirits will show just because the investigators have turned up. However, Kevin told us that a guest had heard a child’s voice tell them not to sit on the step at a previous event. It might have been quiet when we were there, but there has been activity before.
Paranormal planchette - Experiencing A Paranormal Investigation
The last piece of equipment was the most intriguing and unfathomable. The wood felt smooth and solid in my hands as the planchette was passed around for us to inspect. I couldn’t see any evidence of tampering or trickery. The planchette is a shaped piece of wood. It often has ball bearings underneath so it can easily be moved across the table by the spirits.
Usually used by four people who gently rest their fingers on the wood whilst asking yes and no questions. The spirits use energy to move the planchette in the direction of their answer.
I kept my eyes on the planchette. It seemed clear to me that nobody was touching it with enough pressure to be able to apply any directional force. We were all encouraged to ask questions. Everyone got a response.
The wooden table we used was very rickety, very old, and very squeaky. There was no way there could be any magnetic tampering happening underneath. I could see everyone’s hands at all times, so this is the tool that I felt was the most unexplainable.

Through the planchette we were able to communicate with four related ladies; a mother, daughter, and two aunts, all of whom had lived in the 1500s. Some of them had lived to a grand old age for the time, and they were all happy and at peace.
We also met Rob. There seemed to be a connection to the ladies, but we didn’t quite get to the bottom of it. He seemed a bit of a joker in some of his answers, and was annoyed by the creakiness of the old table. He had died in prison where he was kept for a crime he said he didn’t commit.
Finally we met a witch. She was a good witch and thankfully nothing like the Blair Witch – which still disturbs me when I think about it!
Freaky Filmed Footage At A Paranormal Investigation
Before we wrapped up the night Avril showed us some of the filmed footage of events she had seen on the cameras. There were numerous orbs of light that moved around the screen. It could be argued they are flecks of dust caught in the light, yet they only seem to appear in the rooms when we were in them, so weren’t a constant sight and the movement seemed to have purpose rather than just falling.
Finally, four hours later at 1am, Kevin took us through the closing prayer thanking the spirits and asking them to remain in the building. This was something I was particularly grateful for.

Uncertainty, about the uncertainty
Walking home I did see some paralytic activity, (we were very close to Micklegate on a Saturday night so it was inevitable). However, I didn’t have to sit in the front room with the big light on waiting for the safety of daylight when I got home.
It had been a really interesting and insightful night. I think most of the other guests had experienced something spiritual previously and perhaps were more open to the energy and idea than I was.
Whilst I am still very much a sceptic and think we should be far more afraid of the living than the dead, if people make some connection with someone they knew whilst on an investigation, and if that brings them closure or comfort, then that can only be a good thing.
I felt that some of the activities could perhaps be explained logically. I was an observer for the human pendulum, and I can’t help but think that whenever I close my eyes and stand up, it’s impossible to stay perfectly still. Maybe I’d think differently if I’d volunteered to be the actual pendulum?
Whilst I didn’t hear anything tapping or scratching in the dark, or feel anything brushing by me, I can’t find a way to explain how that planchette moved over the table.
The spirits we communicated with all indicated they were happy and at peace. If their attitude was different I have no doubt my mind would have been wildly wandering and the fear factor would have increased! Four hours flew by as we tried various methods of contact and not once did it feel sinister or uncomfortable. It had been a great experience.
If you’re interested in other spiritual experiences, have you considered having your palm read or a tarot cards reading?
Want To Try It Yourself?
If you’re obsessed by the possessed, curious for the creepy, unsure about the unexplained, then why not have a go?
There are many investigations you can book on with across the UK. I stayed local, after all, York is alleged to be one of the most haunted cities in Europe.
I booked with Paranormal Research York who host events in various locations throughout the year.
Cost Of Experience
The prices with Paranormal Research York varied between £30 and £40 in 2023. It depends on the venue of the event.
I paid £30 for the 4 hour experience at Jacob’s Well in 2023.
Prices may vary depending on who you choose to book your experience with, and where the venue is.
- Keep an open mind.
- This was a late night activity in an old building in February. I took lots of layers to keep warm. Whenever and wherever you have a go, layer up!
- Investigations are likely to be in older buildings. There may be uneven floors so flat footwear is a good shout.
- Don’t forget your camera!
- Let me know how you get on if you do decide to give it a go.